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Are you ready to Be the Change
this International Women’s Day?

In celebration of International Women's Day,
Lunae Active is participating in Shop for Change.

An impact-focused online three-day shopping event
where we will triple our commitment by giving back $3 from every sale.

Over three days, our goal collectively is to create change,
impact women & girls lives globally - and meet your expectations to Shop for Change.

Shop with Lunae Active this International Women’s Day,
because when you Shop for Change,
your choice equals change.

What is Shop for Change?

An impact-focused online shopping event launching on International Women’s Day for 3 days.
• We give back $3 from every sale. 
• The goal is to meet YOUR expectations to Shop for Change

Why is there a need for a campaign like this?
• We've heard your calling for retail brands to create positive impact and have a purpose beyond product. 

Why International Women’s Day?
• Many i=Change NGO projects focus on women and girls’ empowerment. International Women’s Day is a chance to highlight the impact your brand is having on these NGOs, through your continued commitment to giving back.

We're committed to healing our planet,
which is why we have chosen these Australian based projects to give back to Mother Earth.

Our projects are close to our heart and we hope we keep inspiring you to support the planet through style and fitness.

Clean the sea

Over 160 million tons of plastic is produced each year to create single-use disposable items and packaging. With no established system to close the loop, this has led to over 70 years of accumulation of plastics in landfill (40%) and the environment (32%), with only 10% being recycled.

Plastics end up in waterways and oceans, breaking down into ever smaller pieces called micro-plastics, well known for entering the food chain through the water, air and food that we consume.

Seabin Smart Tech, similar to a rubbish bin X pool skimmer, removes floating plastics as small as 2mm, filtering 600,000L of water per day from oil and surface pollutants.

$1 = removes 1.2kg of plastic & debris from the sea

Restore the land

Since European settlement, over 90 million hectares of land across Australia has been cleared, threatening species and the productivity of farmlands.

Greening Australia aims to restore 330,000 hectares of native trees across Australia by2030. Drawing on the expert input of Traditional Owners, scientists and local land managers, we will plant 500 million trees and shrubs to store carbon, create quality habitat for native wildlife, and restore degraded farmland.

These 500 million trees and shrubs will absorb over 1.3 million tones of carbon dioxide per year by 2030, and reduce atmospheric carbon pollution. This is one of the world's largest and most ambitious ecological restoration programs.

$50 = plants enough trees & shrubs to store 1 tonne of carbon dioxide

Restore the reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest living organism and it's under threat. The Reef also supports the culture & livelihoods of 70 Traditional Owner groups, who have been its custodians for over 60,000 years.

Since 1985, the Reef has lost 50% of its coral cover due to climate change and poor water from land-based run-off. Sediment from eroded gullies flow onto the Reef every year, smothering corals and seagrass, creating algal blooms, degrading water quality, and weakening the Reef's ability to recover.

Greening Australia and Traditional Owners are working to restore 2,000 hectares of eroded land & 10,000 hectares of wetlands by 2030. This will prevent 400,000 tonnes of sediment from polluting the Reef each year, improving water quality and the Reef's resilience to climate change.

$50 = prevents 1 tonne of sediment from reaching the Great Barrier Reef

In a nutshell ...

Lunde Active commits to a donation with every sale,
and you simply choose where it goes!

You are more than welcome to can add to our donation if you wish. It's your choice.

You must choose from our three shortlisted projects on the i=Change platform, so our donation is always sent to one of three projects.

Now your choice
= change

for turning every purchase into a force for good!